The Spiritual Warrior

The Spiritual Warrior

Without ruminating about it, he instinctively felt the trepidation that always creeps into the soldier’s soul as he prepares for combat. There was an unconscious feeling that today’s action would be more fierce than the fire fights that he had experienced on other days. The enemy was cunning, tough, and determined to kill him. Thus, today his preparation had to be more thorough than any he had conducted on previous missions. He did not want today to be his last day.

Firstly he pulled up his brown undershorts, and then the brown t-shirt was pulled over his head. Carefully dressing in his combat pants and blouse, he made certain neither of them would restrict his freedom of movement.   He then slipped his feet into the combat boots and tied them securely, while making certain that they were comfortable, as well as securely tied.  Next the body armor was secured around his upper body – potential life savings equipment. His camelback filled with water was lifted into position. Now the gloves and eye protectors were also secured in place. His helmet and M4 rifle were now in his hands ready to be used. His first aid kit and radio and communications devices were reviewed and prepared for use. Oh, he almost forgot his ear protection…ear plugs. After once again reviewing and inspecting all of his combat equipment, he was ready for the intense action of the day.  (Although he was aware that, if he was wounded or injured, medical attention would be received as quickly as the circumstances allowed, he tried to dismiss the thought that he might need medical attention.)

Similar to the soldier as he prepares for physical warfare, so also must each person prepare for the spiritual war which will be encountered each day. There are no days off from spiritual warfare. The Evil One is always challenging each one of us….always. Thus every individual must prepare for daily spiritual warfare through the use of the tools and equipment provided by God as a defense against the demon. Prayer, that most powerful of spiritual protections, is the first line of defense against the spiritual foe. It is an individual’s powerful and effective primary line of defense, to be used at the beginning of each day and frequently throughout the entire day. Prayer is one’s life saving equipment. Importantly, the highest form of prayer is the Mass and receipt of Jesus in Holy Communion. Considering that a soldier would not enter physical combat without his protective body armor, why would any individual enter the daily spiritual battle without the help received through frequent prayer and in the Eucharist?

Do not stop with the saying of the morning prayer! The Evil One is always ready to prey on us. Continue to seek protection throughout the day by uttering short prayers of love and help. Make friends with the Rosary; nothing so aggravates the enemy as the does the praying of the Rosary. He flees when the name of Mary is uttered in prayer.  Additionally, many parishes offer the opportunity to be in the very presence of Jesus through Eucharist Adoration times, usually once or twice a week. What an opportunity to talk with Jesus face to face!

As is the case with a soldier in wartime who experiences a physical wound, so also will the spiritual warrior will be wounded by sin. Lovingly God has created a mechanism by which the warrior can be cured of his spiritual wound ….the sacrament of Confession. Unfortunately too few wounded sinners avail themselves of the powerful healing that occurs in Confession. Would a soldier with a physical wound fail to take advantage of the medical help offered to him?  Of course not, he does not want to die. Why then are so many spiritual warriors reluctant to seek the cure for sin offered in Confession?

Prayer, in whatever form one uses, is a mighty weapon against the Evil One. Use it always!

Suggested Reading:

“A line Through the Human Heart; Sinning and Being Forgiven,” By James Schall, S.J. , published by Angelico Press 2016.

“The Screwtape Letters”, by C.S. Lewis, published by Harper SanFrancisco

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