A Bumpy Ride

Our Jeep sped easily along the paved road, encountering no obstacles, while consuming the miles in a much appreciated, timely manner. Yet only a few miles back of the current location, the Jeep was  traveling along bumpy, deeply rutted terrain….one could not call it a road. Only with the help of some local people, who helped push the vehicle out of some deep holes and provided some much needed water to cool the Jeep’s radiator and engine, was the vehicle able to traverse the difficult terrain, until it finally emerged onto a newly paved section of road. At times there was doubt if it would really be able to reach the paved road; there was a real fear that the journey would end haplessly in desperation and fear.

While we could relax temporarily on the obstacle free, paved road, we knew that another section of uneven, rugged terrain awaited us in an upcoming portion of our journey. It would again be a time requiring large doses of fortitude, determination, and cooperation, if we were to reach our destination. Will we again, as we did during the previous rough terrain, ask ourselves, “Is our destination worth the effort and risk we were taking?” 

“Is it worth the risk, effort, and possible losses?” This question frequently enters one’s mind when a journey of any kind is contemplated. We invariably understand that the realization of any worthwhile goal will require sacrifice, bumpy terrain, mental and physical effort, and often help from others. Is the destination or goal worth it?

 So it is when one seeks the union of self with God. The road will be bumpy, requiring difficult choices, often requiring mental and physical sacrifice. Jesus never promised man a smooth, care free road to the divine life; rather He indicated that it would be bumpy and laden with obstacles. Is the divine life, the union of oneself with God in heaven, worth the effort? Am I or anyone else truly willing to navigate the seemly unending challenges and perplexing obstacles to the goal of union with God? Christ promised that He would help us meet these obstacles and challenges. What He and His Church did not promise was a smooth even highway. Each one of us must face all of life’s bewildering complexities, choosing God and eternal happiness over temporary pleasures, while forcefully and convincingly answering the question, “Is it worth the effort?”, with a resounding Yes. The attainment of the divine life will require overcoming the very self….the self which will present one with numerous obstacles.  One must fully grasp that God is worth all we can give Him….and much more.

One’s journey to union with God will be filled with obstacles and daunting challenges….it will be a bumpy ride…., but at the end of the journey one can look forward to resting comfortably in God’s truth and protection. 

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