God Exists

God Exists

Challenging her mother, the child shouted, “Why do I have to do it? Have my brother do it.” With increased irritation and a failing patience, the mother quickly and firmly replied, “Because I told you to do it. Now get on with it.” In every aspect of life, there arise situations in which an individual will be ordered to institute an action solely on the authority of the person issuing the command. Children are expected to obey the reasonable (and sometimes some unreasonable) requests of their parents. Similarly in a work environment, employees do assignments simply because they are ordered to do so by their superiors. Husbands follow orders from their wives and vice versa. These situations are common and necessary for an effective managing of life’s daily requirements.

Oh yes, parents, bosses at work, coaches, military leaders, and others in command usually make an effort to explain the reason behind a specific order or request. However, when reason and logic fail to move a person to action, then a command is often issued. Every parent can recall situations where the parent explained in detail and with frequency the reasons why one of the children should do a certain task only to receive a “Why me?” response. In the end, the parent would finally lose patience and say with firmness and not a little bit of irritation, “Because I said so!” In work situations and throughout one’s life, an individual faces the issue of doing some act because someone in authority said, “because I said so.” (Ask any married man why this mantra is true.)

In talking with a friend, I asked her why she believed in God and was a Catholic. From this highly intelligent and thoughtful woman, I was expecting some philosophical or theological response. Instead she merely stated, “Because Jesus Christ said so.” That was it, nothing more. “Because Jesus Christ said so.” The more I considered her answer the more it became clear that the woman had indeed grasped a core truth. Jesus Christ, the authority for truth and love, had clearly and frequently stated that God exists. His actions and His teachings were sufficient to engender the necessary trust for my friend to accept His direction. She fully understood that, although reason and theology will lead one to God, the most fundamental reason for believing in God’s existence is that the most trusted being in all of human history said so. The trustful authority figure declared the truth of God’s existence.

When I attend Catholic Mass and observe the individual members of the congregation praying, I realize that few have ever studied philosophy or theology, yet they are certain that God exists and, for most, that belief is based upon the observation, “Because Jesus Christ said so.” Nothing else is necessary.

Suggested Reading:

“The Catholic Catechism” by John Hardon, S.J.  Part One “The Word of God”


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