The Gift


As she entered her home, she excitedly exclaimed in a loud shriek, “Wow! What has happened?” Gazing at the renovated kitchen and dining room, her mouth was wide open in joyous disbelief and astonishment, while her eyes took in the entire site with a stunned, uncomprehending look. She shouted to her husband who was trailing behind, “What happened during our weekend at Mom’s house?” Still not comprehending what had occurred during their time away from the home, she joyfully wandered through the home, examining the new floor, the beautiful modern appliances, the renovated sink, the new lightening, and lastly the attractive new dining room table and chairs. Her joy at what she was seeing was only exceeded by her desire to understand how all of this occurred in one weekend. She turned to her husband and with a look that cried for an explanation, all the time asking with her eyes, “talk to me, tell me what this is all about.” His reply was short and direct, “I love you. It is my gift to you.”  He needed to say no more. Those words were worth as much or more than the gift itself.

Love is such a powerful emotion, begetting all sorts of gifts and actions. The husband knew his wife had been struggling for years to provide meals for the family in an antiquated kitchen with limited space and appliances. However, she did the best she could. Now that he began to experience financial success in his business, he wanted to repay her for all her efforts and love. Her joy with her new facilities was exceeded only by his joy in seeing her so happy. They both had been giving the gifts of themselves to each other…. and to their children.

Gifts come in many different forms; a word of praise, a look of appreciation, a college fund for the children, a helping hand to a stranger, or just being there for a sick friend. Almost always the gifts are initiated by a strong love and concern for another. Love always is concerned about someone or something outside of one’s self. Love is not material, but rather spiritual.

Since love is the greatest gift one can give to another, what is the most significant gift of love known to man? Simple. It is God’s gift of Himself to mankind! Think about….God the Almighty, personal, all-knowing, eternal, loving One loves us. He knows each one of us by name and cares for us individually. He has offered to unite us with Himself in the next life, the eternal happiness of love. However, He did not stop with just an offer of eternal happiness; he wiped clean all of our iniquities by sending His son as payment for the debt we owe Him. Through Jesus He made us co-heirs to heaven, Paradise. Not stopping there, He continued his loving help by creating His church as our teacher and guide. He showered us with the gifts of His Sacraments, particularly in Confession and the Eucharist. He did not limit us to specific resources; He is always available for private talks through individual prayer….at any time. The gifts keep coming. He loves us.

How will we attain God’s great gift of love, that is unity with Him? Simple, follow His example of love, follow Jesus Christ and the teacher Christ gave us, His Church. (But please no compromises, be passionate for Him, lukewarm will not do it.)

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